I started taking art classes at UNM Continuing Education--probably around 2005. I began with Lea Denise Anderson's take on Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, based on the Betty Edwards book. I am not a painter, but I could draw a little. And pencil gives me control that a brush does not. I also took Lea's part 2 of the same course, and then I added her color theory class based on another of Edwards' books. It was that class, and learning in it to use acrylics--plus reading some other books--plus a trip to Spain--that inspired me to do my first project in Lea's "Anything Goes" open studio class that put me on the road to mixed media mania!
I wanted to create an art project that would incorporate the above elements to epitomize artistically the trip my husband and I took to Spain. I will list my resources following this post; suffice it to say, I had learned about acrylics and then taught myself about acrylic mediums--gels, grounds, pastes, etc.--had located examples of using slide mounts in art--and had printed out a bunch of my photos from Spain. The result of all this was to create a "Spain Slide Show" out of slide mounts, photos, acrylics , and acrylic mediums.
acrylic, molding paste, garnet gel |
I picked the photos first--then created artwork on the slide mount that extended the colors, designs, and/or themes of each photo. Though I did this mainly with acrylics and acrylic mediums, I also used colored pencil and oil pastel. Amazingly, this early work, which I completed in 2008, is my all-time favorite.
colored pencil |
Lea Denise Anderson My teacher and mentor at UNM Continuing Ed., now teaching "Art Fix," the update of "Anything Goes," at Harwood Art Center.
acrylic and micaceous iron oxide |
Lynne Perrella Edited the book Artists' Journals and Sketchbooks, which contained many examples of using slide mounts for art projects. I later took a workshop with her, which I will describe in a later post. Her works, articles, and the people she has chosen to put in her books have been a great influence.
oil pastel |